Scenario-based strategy: Why and how?

We all will remember year 2020 forever. No matter what happens, or doesn’t happen next, it has been a big reminder to all of us that unexpected events can take place – even very rapidly.

For businesses it is a reminder that it is better to be agile. Organizations that are agile are more resilient to external shocks and better equipped to capture new opportunities. The best performers can flourish even under harsh conditions.

Using scenario analysis in strategy work is a superior approach for developing a playbook that enables agility. We like to talk about “Living strategy”. If you are interested to learn more, see our introductory material Scenario-based strategy or watch the video where Olli Lehtonen and Timo Vuori from August discuss about the scenario-based strategy work and what we have learned in our recent client engagements.

Extract from the material:


Tomi Ere, Partner
+358 40 823 3848