Board’s role in long-term value creation (in Finnish)

Idea in brief

      • Finnish companies fall behind their European, Swedish, and American benchmarks in long-term value creation
      • Growth is the main limiting factor in Finnish companies’ value creation – for example, Helsinki Stock Exchange lacks large international growth companies. Value creation of Finnish public companies is generally driven by strong profitability and high dividend yield.
      • August and DIF (Directors’ Institute Finland) conducted a survey for DIF members who hold board positions in public and private companies. We received 76 responses, majority of respondents being chairpersons.
      • DIF respondents share their experiences regarding board’s role in long-term value creation: boards’ current time usage on long-term topics, what factors limit boards’ focus on value-creation, what kind of board composition and working practices support value creation.
      • August summarizes its recommendations as 10 theses how boards can drive long-term value creation. These are backed by DIF member’s insights collected through the survey, August’s own experiences and research on the subject, and our numerous discussions with board members and CEOs.
      • Material is available in Finnish.

Read the full report here

For further information, please contact:

Tomi Ere
August Associates
+358 40 823 3848

Olli Lehtonen
August Associates
+358 50 371 4110

Leena Linnainmaa
General Secretary
+358 50 356 1183